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the recruitment plan for the m.l. is simple the designated representative of the m.l. in each area will look for two members who reach qualification for the basic m.l. standards then the designated representative will fill out a form which will be provided  on this website that will list the capable person's qualities. after the form is filled out it will be turned into the head leader who will discuss whether or not the person in question  has the qualities looked for in the m.l. . if the leaders can not come to a agreement about the striving m.l. member the striving m.l. member's profile will be put into the files and looked upon at a later date when further recruitment is needed. if the striving member does pass the leaders qualification the member will then be given a token of the m.l. and the new member will be scheduled for a initiation ceremony at the earliest date the leaders can achieve where at least two thirds of the m.l. leaders can achieve to make it. 

when a m.l. member is moved to a new area with no designated representative the m.l. member is now the designated representative of the new area and is obligated to find two new members. as such the designated representative in the original area of the m.l. member who moved is also obligated to find members to fill in any gaps the moving member left behind.